The second day of our trip we traveled to the small town of Sète, on the Mediterranean. Our typical planning is we pick a town that is accessible via a short train ride from where we are staying. It is always fun traveling by train and trying to buy train tickets. Between figuring out the ticket machines and buying tickets, we are quite the comedy show. Most US based credit cards don’t have chips, so we usually need to find a coin change machine. In the smaller French towns its always fun to find someone who speaks enough English to help us. We were traveling with laughter on our second day! One of the ways we picked the towns to visit on this trip was by looking at pics on Instagram. It was cool to look at real pics from people vs. the tourist websites. We really didn’t know much about what to do in Sète, so we went to go find the Office de Tourisme. It was quite difficult to find, every corner had a sign pointing in a different direction. We ended up getting quite the tour of Sète. We found the office and then went to lunch, which will be the next post. Enjoy my photos from our walk around the town.


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